5-hour ENERGY: Wanna Shot?

Are you a fan of energy drinks? I'm not. That fact that they contain so much sugar scares me. I feel like I may have a heart attack if I have one. Even though I'm not a fan of them, I've been so busy recently and just don't have the energy to get everything done, So I've considered using them for a much needed boost. 5-hour ENERGY isn't like other energy drinks out there on the market, this one's different. 5-hour ENERGY contains 0 sugar, 0 herbal stimulants and only has 4 calories.

The first time I took a 5-hour ENERGY was about 3 weeks ago. I was so tired and had a deadline to meet. I took it in the evening and planned to pull an all nighter. Within 10 minutes of drinking my first bottle... I passed out. I was out for the night and was not happy about that. My boyfriend told me that the drink can have adverse affects if you're sleep deprived. That makes sense, I suppose. A few days later I had another deadline to meet so I gave it another shot. This time I didn't fall asleep but I didn't feel energized. I was awake but with not much energy. I felt as if the drink just prevented me from falling asleep instead of energizing me. I've heard of certain products having adverse affects on people and I guess I'm one of "those" people.

Even though it didn't work on me like it does with most people, I felt comfortable taking the shot because it contained no sugar and wasn't loaded with calories. 

Philosoraptor asked a great question. Do you know the answer?

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. I was provided a product sample by Smiley360 for my review. My opinions are 100% honest and 100% mine.


  1. I'd get my craft room cleaned if I had more energy.

  2. greta garbo-(debbie kennedy)August 27, 2012 at 10:32 PM

    i have a hard time getting motivated in the mornings- this might do the trick..

  3. I would clean my kids' closets. They must get clean before Christmas comes!

  4. I would try and find a way to stop time, so i can get even more done.

  5. Brothergrimiam@gmail.com

    Steven grimes

  6. i would clean more after i get home from work, usually i dont get much done cause im just to tired
    michelle warner

  7. If I had more energy, I would clean more.
    Thanks for the chance.

  8. I would probably not sleep as much and clean more lol

  9. Yes, i could keep up with cleaning the house, don't really have help from da other person here, they know how to make a mess but expect me to clean up after them. J Wresh jdhw41@yahoo.com

  10. Would def give me the motivation to get up and moving in mornings and then i could get more cleaning done..esp my son's room. April Harden-Hale amhale4@aol.com

  11. I jog and want to go further-this would help!

  12. I'd paint my bedroom Debra L. Guillen

  13. I would clean and do laundry more often!

  14. i would finally be able to get my house deep cleaned and organized :)

  15. I would finally get my closet done. It's long overdue

  16. I would get the vehicles washed if I had more energy

  17. I would actually have a clean house if I had more energy!

  18. I would go to the gym more often.

  19. I would get my house organized! Alicia Zirjacks

  20. I would actually have the energy to clean my boys rooms!!
