Huggies: Dad Tips From An Awesome Dad

Becoming a parent is very exciting and intimidating event in our lives. Whether it's your first time, 2nd time or even for those starting all over again after many years and had considered themselves "Done" with having more babies. I've known and know of a few couples that unintentionally added  another baby to the family, a couple I knew had their youngest in high school and the older children in college. Ekk! The funny thing about that, is that they seem much more nervous than first time parents. Possibly because they know what their getting themselves into all over again.

I was looking forward to working with my co-creator of Emma Lee and Maddox on this campaign for Huggies Latino. I was excited and had my questions planned and I was ready to take notes. Well the task proved to be more complicated than anticipated with his one worded answers, but I guess that's a guy for ya!

How do you handle parenting messes?

Fine. Moving on, What do you wish you had known?
I was unaware of the variety of options we had when it came to basic necessities. So many different options when it came to things like diapers, wipes, bottles, etc. By the time your second baby comes along you know what to buy and not to buy and what works best for your family.

Were you nervous about your first diaper change?
No. I wasn't nervous because I knew it was something I would have to do

Do you mind changing diapers?
It's fine. No big deal

Unforgettable moment?
The first year Emma Lee sang Happy Birthday to me.

Most challenging moment?
Having differences with your partner. No matter who you are or how close you two are, you're going to have differences and disagree on somethings.

How do you overcome that? 
Think about what's best for your children and be understanding to your partners ideas.

Coming from a family of only boys, I knew you wanted a boy and you were nervous when we found out our first was a girl. Why?
I worried that I wouldn't be able to connect with a little girl like I would a boy because of different interest but you have a love for her that you didn't expect to have. I always heard that fathers and daughters have a strong special bond but I didn't realize how true that was until Emma Lee was born.

How do you soothe a crying baby?
Pick them up and hold them, bounce them a litte and pat their backs while shhhh-ing them.

Do you enjoy fatherhood?

Here is Trey, Emma Lee with Maddox just hours after his birth

On one of our walks


Join the Facebook chat with Poncho de Anda on the Huggies Latino Facebook Page.
When: September 20, 2012 from 12 pm EST to 1pm EST
Who: Poncho de Anda, TV personality and father of two
What: Opportunity to ask Poncho de Anda how he tackles the challenges of parenting. Huggies would love to hear from you! Please note the chat is in Spanish. Look for the picture of Poncho on the FB page to participate in the chat.

*Disclosure: This post is compensated and in collaboration with Huggies and Latina Bloggers Connect. All opinions expressed our my own and Trey's.

1 comment:

  1. Trey sounds like an awesome dad! You and your kids are so lucky :)
