Colgate "Bright Smiles, Bright Futures"

Emma lee and I were both very excited to participate in a Colgate "Bright Smiles, Bright Futures" Champions for Kids Campaign by donating children's toothbrushes and toothpaste to a local charity benefiting kids.

For the month of March the Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service Project is Colgate "Bright Smiles, Bright Futures"  We thought this would be a great opportunity to complete our SIMPLE Service Project #Colgate4Kids by donating oral care products to children in need since Emma lee is always wanting to donate things and she knows the value of keeping teeth healthy. 

Dora the explorer, Spongebob square pants toothbrushes and toothpaste

My kids know how important it is to take care of your teeth. Healthy teeth help maintain a healthy life. My 5 year-old Emma lee knows to brush her teeth every morning when she wakes up and if she forgets and we arrive at school she starts to panic a little and stresses to me how she doesn't want to go to school without brushing her teeth. My 21 month-old Maddox LOVES brushing his teeth. He follows me into my bathroom, climbs onto the toilet, turns the water on and begins to brush his teeth. He gets upset if I don't allow him enough time to brush his teeth because apparently 5-10 minutes isn't long enough. I think it's funny when I find him sitting in my bathroom sink brushing his teeth with all of our toothbrushes.

Emma lee and I visited Walmart to pick up some fun and cute Colgate Dora the Explorer and Spongebob Square Pants toothbrushes and toothpaste. These are 2 of her favorite characters so she was excited to purchase these items for kids in need because she knew that they would enjoy them.

We picked up 19 Colgate oral care items to donate. She was very proud of herself for selecting the cute toothbrushes that other kids her age would enjoy. 

The following day after school, Emma Lee and I donated the items to Haven for Hope of Bexar County located in downtown San Antonio. Haven for Hope provides care, items and shelter for homeless families and individuals in San Antonio. We are no strangers to charity when it comes to donating items but this was our first donation to Haven for Hope and it won't be our last. While we were there making our donation, I noticed all of the items they accepted and were in need of and remembered all the items piling up at home that need a new home.

I know that Emma lee doesn't fully understand who the items will be benefiting and how much it will mean to them but she loves the idea of giving and that makes me very proud.

To participate in your own Champions for Kids campaign and to learn more about SIMPLE Service Projects please visit

{I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® Colgate and Champions for Kids #cbias #SocialFabric}


  1. Emma Lee & Maddox just get more and more adorable! You're a good mommy for getting her started doing all these charitable things at such a young age!

  2. How cute is he sitting in the sink?
    I love that your daughter was able to pick out some of her favorite characters to donate to others!

  3. What a great way to teach your daughter about giving to others in need!

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