{I am a member of the Collective Bias Social Fabric Community. This content, as well as my participation as the host of this Twitter Party has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser #cbias}
I've worked with Collective Bias Social Fabric Community for over a year now and have loved working with them on a variety of campaigns with various brands. They now have something new and exciting for all the Latina bloggers within this great community!
Have you heard? ColectivaLatina, the new Latina influencer community from Collective Bias, is the place to be! Here you'll find support, opportunities and friendships just waiting to be forged. Please join us at the #MyColectiva Twitter Party and learn why this is the community every Latina will want to be part of!
As a Latina blogger, I am always looking to work with brands that provide me with content that speaks to my readers and that takes into account my culture and my language. That is why I am super excited to share about ColectivaLatina, and let you know about all the exciting opportunities just waiting for you and your blog. ColectivaLatina is Collective Bias’ new Hispanic division that works with brands to create campaigns that speak to Latinos through cultural relevancy. It was created by Latinos for Latinos to showcase and support the amazing Latina bloggers who are a part of the larger Social Fabric community of influencers. ColectivaLatina recognizes the growing importance and influence Latinos have so they are giving bloggers the opportunity to work with brands they love in both General Market and Latino focused campaigns. They understand that Latinos and Latinas have different interests, tastes, values, traditions, etc. and want them to express their uniqueness through their content.
We will be talking about ColectivaLatina and why it’s a great community for Latina bloggers. We will be answering your questions and members will share what they love about our awesome community. We'll also be sharing exciting news about what to expect from ColectivaLatina as well as telling you where you may be seeing us soon! Join in on the fun!
Join me at the #MyColectiva Twitter Party
on SoFabChats!
DATE: Wednesday, March 26th
TIME: 9:00-10:00pmEST
PRIZES: 5 - $100 Visa gift cards
EARLY BIRD: 1 - $50 Visa gift card
RSVP: #MyColectiva Party Page HERE
LOCATION: SoFabChats Tweet Grid HERE
HOST: @paulabendfeldt
CO HOSTS: @AsBestRecipes, @HotMamaNtheCity and @smashbravoteam
SPECIAL GUEST: @ColectivaLatina
PARTY RULES: #MyColectiva Official Rules HERE.

Tweet: Discover @ColectivaLatina! #MyColectiva Twitter Party 3/26 9pm ET. Prizes $550! RSVP/Rules http://cbi.as/4o-il #shop #cbias
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