Pass The Love!

{This is part of a sponsored campaign with Being Latino and Mondelez. However, all opinions are my own}

This soccer season the kids and I will be enjoying it with our cousin and soccer player, Alyssa. She has been playing the game of soccer for several seasons now. She has passed on the love of the game to my two little one's. She's been showing them a few tips and tricks about the sport, which will be very useful in the near future when we enroll our daughter into the sport for the next season. Not only has Alyssa passed along the love of the sport but the enjoyment of snacking on Oreo cookies while watching the soccer summer games on television. Since Oreo is the Official Cookie of U.S. Soccer it's only natural to indulge in the delicious snack during such an exciting time!

Oreo has teamed up wit U.S. Soccer to celebrate the love of fútbol. “Pass the Love” is a movement to encourage people to share their love of soccer with those they care about.

Oreo invites you to join the Pass the Love movement. Visit to find coupons and game time recipes for your next party!

How do you have fun with your friends and family while playing, attending or watching a soccer game? Leave your comment below and learn more about the #PasstheLove movement here:

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