Celebrating Milestones The Second Time

{This post was sponsored by the maker of Baby Orajel™ through CafeMom. I received compensation but all opinions and thoughts stated within this post are my own.}

Celebrating Milestones the Second Time

As a mother of two children I've learned that baby's firsts even the second time around are just as special. Achieving a new milestone both big and small should always be celebrated. With each child, a new milestone can be a different experience unlike the others. Each child is unique, each will have their own personality and each one is special. Often each child will reach a milestone at different times in their lives. Even to a veteran mommy, those unexpected milestones at unexpected times are a fun surprise.

Baby's first tooth or teeth is an exciting time .... and it can also be a time of many tears for both
baby and parents. The teething process with both my children were very different. Emma Lee
had both her lower central incisor teeth before she was three months old. It was as if they had sprung up overnight. As a new mommy, this was one of our very first milestones in a long line of more special occasions. With the teething came lots of biting, chewing, fussing and sadly some pain. I kept teething toys nearby along with Baby Orajel™ Naturals to provide pain relief for my baby girl.

My experience with my son was a lot different. In many ways, I expected his "First" to be just like his sister’s. When baby #2 arrives you quickly learn that it's not always going to be the same path and that you shouldn't compare his milestones to his sister’s or to any other baby. When he was three months old, I was a little surprised that he showed no signs of teething, and then he turned four months old and still no sign of teeth. The months kept coming and going and still no teeth! When he was eight months old I was convinced that my son will never have teeth and that I would have to buy them for him because apparently this kid can't produce any teeth. Haha. Just before reaching his nine month milestone, my son finally had teeth breaking in! The entire teething process was also very different with him, he seemed less fussier than his sister and didn't rely much on teething toys. But for those few moments that did bother him, Baby Orajel™ Naturals was there to provide pain relief just as it had for his big sister when she was achieving those same milestones.

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